***a chronicle of the daily happenings and goings on***

Nov 14, 2007

cantaloupe? i think i'll wait.

wee stats:
heartrate: 140bpm
position: head down on wednesday at 8:30 a.m. but who knows by now?
activity level: nightowl

me stats:
happy blood pressure
poundage: +1.5 (29.5 total)
cankle-free since that one incident
becoming a huffmaster since i get out of breath easily (and by easily i mean by turning over. yes. )

if wee were to be born now, he/she would be about the size of your average cantaloupe and would most likely do just as well a full term baby after a brief stint in the nicu. ahhhhh.
next week.....wee will move up to honeydew status (because, you know, that's larger than a cantaloupe - i swear, i don't make this stuff up -- everyone knows i don't eat fruit so i would have no idea about the relative sizes of cantaloupes and honeydews).

Week Thirty-Four
  • Your baby acts completely like a newborn, with her eyes opened when awake and closed when sleeping. You may also find her settling into more of a routine for sleeping & awake times.
  • She has learned to blink. She can also see more clearly when there is a bright light on your stomach and probably has the outline of all your organs memorized!
  • Antibodies from your blood are being tranferred to him. These immunities continue to build until birth.
  • Your baby may have already turned to a head-down position in preparation for birth. If he is your first baby, he may be settling into the pelvis with his head pressing against your cervix.
  • Fingernails have reached the end of the fingertips now.
  • Your little one's length is 17.7 inches (45cm) and weight is 4.7 pounds (2146 g).

34 week ultrasound pic of some other baby. indicative of what wee probably does alot considering it has some of my genes.

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