***a chronicle of the daily happenings and goings on***

Dec 20, 2007

paper gowns are stupid.

okay. this is the last belly pic you get because, to be honest, i'm sick of looking at it and i think you should be as well. i was at target today where a lady -we'll call her demon seed - told me i sure was big; was i having twins? i went immediately home and comforted myself with a wonka bar. i do not think i will leave the house again as it is dangerous out there.

39 weeks for the love of god.

wee stats:
*heartrate: 140 bpm

me stats:
*poundage: negative 1 pound thank you very much -- not that demon seed would notice.
*rising blood pressure
*intermittent fat fingers
*grumpy disposition
*have an area/shelf at the top of my stomach where i can store small objects, monies and wonka bars

Week Thirty-Nine
  • The lanugo has mostly disappeared, (probably not- you've seen herschel right?) but you'll probably find a bit on her shoulders, arms and legs and in those protected little bodily creases. It will vanish completely on its own in time.
  • His lungs are maturing and surfactant production is increasing and fully prepared to take on the outside world!
  • Your baby doesn't have much room to move (that means it's time to move on weebaby)
  • His body continues laying on the fat stores that will help regulate his body temperature after birth. In addition to normal fat, he is accumulating a special "brown" fat in the nape of his neck, between his shoulders and around organs. Brown fat cells are important for thermogenesis (generating heat) during his first weeks.
  • Your infant's weight is around 7.25 pounds (3288gm) and length is 19.9 inches (50.7cm).

Dec 18, 2007

eviction notice.

anytime weebaby.... anytime.

Dec 13, 2007

38 weeks. 38 pounds. isn't that nice.

wee stats:
*heartrate: 153bpm
*on the move constantly

me stats:
*poundage: + another 1.5 (38 total. sigh. pity party starts in five minutes) that is like carrying around a 38-pound Guadalupe yellowtail shown here by some proud sport fisherman. * we will need a wide angle lens for the next belly pic

*cursed with a wonderful uterine environment. weebaby is sure to to never want to leave.

*the following may be too much information for some but i am a whopping 1 cm dilated. in case you were wondering, that is not enough.

Week Thirty-Eight
  • If he is the "average baby," he weights 6.8 pounds (3083gm)and is 19.6 inches (49.8cm) long.
  • Have you noticed she hiccups a lot? Because there is no air around her, those breathing exercises cause amniotic fluid to get into her windpipe.
  • Your child's intestines are accumulating lots of meconium. Meconium takes on the role of being your baby's first bowel movement -- removing the waste that has accumulated.
  • He may have a full head of hair now
  • Circumference of head and abdomen are about the same size for your baby.

Dec 9, 2007

running out of weeks here.

wee stats:
*very relaxed - we could see breathing movements on the ultrasound which, according to the doc, equals one extremely non-stressed baby
*the official estimated fetal weight as of 12/5 is 6 lbs 12 oz... while i am happy that wee is not a gigantic russian baby, i can no longer blame all of my weight gain on a mere almost 7 pound baby. sigh.
*head down
*cramped and, i think, getting tired of being so if my sore ribs are any indication

me stats:
*pretty much a textbook gestator so far according to the doc thus confirming my suspicion that i am mostly perfect or at least way above average in most things. i have just jinxed myself and will now probably have 36+ hours of excruciating labor
*rising blood pressure
*no weight gain (for once) but it's only been a week. i'm sure i'll have gained 14 pounds by my next appointment which is in 4 days.
*generalized edema
*ready to be normal again...mentally (but not physically) done with pregnancy

when do you think wee will get here?
the official due date is 12/27 but there's already a few predictions in....the winner will get a prize of some sort - not really sure what that will be but it is sure to be super fine and is also sure not to be a piece of the placenta as requested by lauren (this request was immediately struck down by yours truly although i understand wanting a piece of a placenta as fabulous as mine and wee's)

Week Thirty-Seven
  • This week, the average size is about 6.3 pounds (2859gm) now and 19.1 inches (48.6cm) length.
  • She is official full term now but can still benefit from extra days in the womb.
  • Your baby continues to practice breathing movements. Isn't it amazing how she can breathe "under water?"
  • Grasp is firm now. It won't be long until you'll feel that strong little fist confidently grasping your finger (or tightly clenching your hair)!
  • A few weeks ago, your baby would move her eyes toward light. Now she turns towards light outside the uterus.
  • " As the uterine wall stretches and thins allowing more light to permeate, he develops definite daily activity cycles. You will want to be sure to establish good patterns yourself at this time, thus encouraging them in your child.

Dec 1, 2007

doc update:

wee stats:
heartrate: 153 bpm
activity status: soccer goalie

me stats:
poundage: +7 pounds (yes. in two weeks. i have posted a new pic of me above)
activity status: all time low, hence the seven pounds

next week: ultrasound for the estimated fetal weight or the day that i find out i'm having an eighteen pound baby.

Nov 26, 2007

because everyone should hear this one.

so i came downstairs and was lying on the couch with herschel......we're watching my belly move around and i say how i get really nervous about this whole labor thing sometimes and i feel like i'm going to throw up my butterflies and he says, seriously, "i know, i get that way right before i have to go to the dentist"
seriously. i don't have the energy to make this stuff up.

belly up.

belly pic from today: herschel has sympathy belly (with hair for added panache)

the month of wee showers:

it all began in bainbridge, georgia on 11/3......
i am having issues with pictures from this shower so these will have to do to show the massive bounty from our home town. i can't even describe it all. wee's presents filled my mom's suburban but don't underestimate the jetta (herschel) because everything made it back to athens in one trip - including me, my big bag and troublesome cub.

then....11/11......soybean shower time with herschel's lab..... i don't have any pictures but there was a big turnout and everybody pitched in for our super fine wee monitor
and, as if that wasn't enough, there were more gifts in addition to the monitor. hersch works with some generous people. it must be the soybeans.

since i don't have any pics, here's the image from the e-vite...

and finally 11/17...... the partay shower at charlie and erin's... shown here with corinn who was one of our shower gifts. we decided we would give her back to chris and cliff since they seemed kind of attached to her. that is a happy baby.
even maynard had a good time.
a baby plunger simply because of genes inherited from herschel

here's some people pics... including two of my vet school friends who traveled across state lines for some weebaby shenanigans... thanks emily (and ryan) and carrie

and, of course, pin the poo on the baby.

hersch and i feel so lucky to have such good friends and family. everyone's generosity has been a bit overwhelming and we can't thank everybody enough. we are set for baby gear... all we need now is wee.

thanks again everybody!

and now, two weeks worth of fetal development for your reading pleasure...
Week Thirty-Five
  • The average baby weighs almost five and a half pounds now.
  • Most babies born now will survive and without many long-term problems.
  • Fat accumulations plumps up the arms and legs this week. These layers of fat will help him regulate his body temperature. They also provide those cute little dimples on elbows and knees!
  • Her hearing is fully developed.
  • It's getting crowded! Your baby is now taking up most of the uterus and you may even feel like your chest has run out of room! Soon enough though, baby will move down and you'll be able to breathe easily again
  • Your baby is 18.2 inches (46.2cm) long and weighs 5.3 pounds (2383gm).
  • The testes have completed their descent in males.

Week Thirty-Six
  • Your baby is almost ready and most likely, so are you! The only organ still to mature is the lungs. While certainly you are both growing anxious to meet, remember that each day (up to 42 weeks), that your little one stays within your womb will multiply his chances to breathe on his own.
  • If he hasn't already, this week your baby may drop into the birth canal. While breathing for mom becomes easier, walking may be the exact opposite! If he's not your first baby, this "lightening" may not occur until right before labor.
  • Fat is dimpling your baby's elbows and knees, and forming creases in the neck and wrists. (fat dimples are a necessity in my book)
  • His skin is growing smooth and, shall we say it, "baby" soft.
  • His gums are very rigid. It won't be many months before you'll see his teeth.
  • She has a fully developed pair of kidneys and her liver has begun processing some waste products.
  • Your child's average size is now 18.66 inches (47.4cm) and 5.78 pounds (2622 g). Between now and birth she will gain about an ounce a day!
  • Nov 14, 2007

    cantaloupe? i think i'll wait.

    wee stats:
    heartrate: 140bpm
    position: head down on wednesday at 8:30 a.m. but who knows by now?
    activity level: nightowl

    me stats:
    happy blood pressure
    poundage: +1.5 (29.5 total)
    cankle-free since that one incident
    becoming a huffmaster since i get out of breath easily (and by easily i mean by turning over. yes. )

    if wee were to be born now, he/she would be about the size of your average cantaloupe and would most likely do just as well a full term baby after a brief stint in the nicu. ahhhhh.
    next week.....wee will move up to honeydew status (because, you know, that's larger than a cantaloupe - i swear, i don't make this stuff up -- everyone knows i don't eat fruit so i would have no idea about the relative sizes of cantaloupes and honeydews).

    Week Thirty-Four
    • Your baby acts completely like a newborn, with her eyes opened when awake and closed when sleeping. You may also find her settling into more of a routine for sleeping & awake times.
    • She has learned to blink. She can also see more clearly when there is a bright light on your stomach and probably has the outline of all your organs memorized!
    • Antibodies from your blood are being tranferred to him. These immunities continue to build until birth.
    • Your baby may have already turned to a head-down position in preparation for birth. If he is your first baby, he may be settling into the pelvis with his head pressing against your cervix.
    • Fingernails have reached the end of the fingertips now.
    • Your little one's length is 17.7 inches (45cm) and weight is 4.7 pounds (2146 g).

    34 week ultrasound pic of some other baby. indicative of what wee probably does alot considering it has some of my genes.

    Nov 8, 2007

    7 more weeks...

    Week Thirty-Three
    • Amniotic fluid is at its highest level during your pregnancy.
    • Your baby's head size has increased 3/8ths of an inch due to rapid brain growth. yes. big head. we know.
    • Neurons and synapses are developing in huge numbers -- forming connections in your baby's brain will give him the skills he needs to thrive as a newborn. This week, he may be able to coordinate sucking and swallowing with breathing.
    • While most of his bones are hardening, his skull is quite pliable and not completely joined. The bones will be able to move slightly to make birthing easier.
    • You baby takes intermittent deep breaths -- of water. That's okay, though since she gets oxygen from the placenta. This breathing exercises muscles and encourages her lung cells to produce more surfactant (a protein essential for healthy lung development).
    • If your baby is a boy, his testicles will be descending from his abdomen into his scrotum. Sometimes one or both testicles won't move into position until after birth.
    • Your infant is now 17.2 inches (43.7cm) long and weighs 4.23 pounds (1918gm).

    another belly pic: 33 weeks.... channeling my inner behemoth.

    here's the hubs trying out the baby bjorn.....with satchel... who is less than thrilled. i should also mention that herschel thinks that satchel's real name is probably dennis. when i told him we could not rename her dennis he decided to name the caterpillar dennis dillypod. i think that is a fine name and i will add mr. for that extra touch of class.

    mr. dennis dillypod.....


    my anti-feminist moment:

    not only am i barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen....i am sewing/mending the hubs' workpants.... in the corner.......wow.

    coming soon:
    weebaby shower month has begun! pictures? yes. soon.

    Nov 1, 2007

    eight months... the beginning

    you should call me melman.
    Week Thirty-Two
    • Your baby is up to 3.75 pounds (1702gm) now and is 16.7 inches (42.4cm) long.
    • You might notice she's not moving around as much now. -- just running short on room.
    • All five senses are working.
    • Toenails are completely formed
    • Brain scans have shown that babies have periods of dream sleep (REM) starting around the eight month.

    wee stats:
    heartrate: 130 bpm

    me stats:
    +3 more pounds (28 total). sigh.
    super dehydrated - i got a "wow" from the nurse checking my urine.
    was told i need to make sure that i am eating enough and frequently because i had a wee bit o' ketones in my urine. as if i needed to be told to eat.
    my blood pressure is up. 120/80 which i think is kind of normal for most humans but high for me.
    and then, for the final insult, they gave me a flu shot. i hate needles.

    Oct 25, 2007

    thirty one.

    latest wee stats:
    *heartrate - 165 bpm

    me stats:
    *poundage: +6 pounds from last visit (in case you didn't catch it, that was only two weeks ago. yikes) that puts my total at 25 pounds. i am very uncomfortable.

    *sleep: a somewhat decent night's sleep with my friend tylenol p.m

    *crazy meter: off the charts. i am the proverbial emotional roller coaster over here. one minute i am laughing hysterically. a maniacal giggle monkey. then i am exhausted. i have cried twice for no reason and we won't talk about my grump level. herschel deserves a gold star for his efforts although at our last doctor visit i looked up to catch him side-looking at me with a mixture of fear, curiosity, and caution. hilarious.

    Week Thirty-One
    • The rate of physical growth slows down just a bit, but even though she doesn't get much longer, she will gain a lot of weight the rest of the pregnancy.
    • Fat continues accumulating. This layer of fat turns her skin from red to the rosy pink she will have as a newborn.
    • Calcium, phosphorus and iron are being stored and his bones are growing and hardening.
    • Your baby is 16.2 inches (41.1cm) long and weighs 3.3 pounds (1502gm)
    • His brain enters another period of rapid growth, producing hundreds of billions of new nerve cells!
    • She may move to the rhythm of music.
    • Lungs are the only major organ left to complete development. Remember, that while you may be anxious to meet your little one that these last few weeks can be vital - with each day increasing your baby's ability to breathe on her own.

    Oct 15, 2007

    don't cry weebaby.

    okay. i didn't want to but i've promised berry too many times and never came through so here's some belly pics from 4 months to now.

    now entering from stage left: hippo-mama.....

    4.5 months

    5.5 months

    7 months

    Week Twenty-Nine
    • Your baby's head is in proportion with body now. He appears more like a newborn each and every day!
    • Fat continues to accumulate under the skin -- only now preparing for entering the *real world*.
    • Your baby's brain can control primitive breathing and body temperatures.
    • His eyes can move in their sockets. Soon he will be able to follow a blinking light.
    • Your baby is increasingly sensitive to changes in light, sound, taste, and smell! Various studies show that your baby may indicate preferences (or disdain) for particular tastes or odors at this stage
    • He is also moving from side to side, but probably still is head up. In the next few weeks, he will move to the head down birthing position.
    • Her length is now approximately 15.2 inches (38.6cm) and weight is 2.54 pounds (1153gm)

    Week Thirty
    • Did you know your baby is nearly three pounds now?
    • His head is getting larger to accommodate a period of rapid brain growth. our wee is a smarty pants.
    • A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds him. As he grows and fills your uterus, the amount of amniotic fluid will decrease. Funny, you certainly won't feel any lighter!
    • She spends more and more time practicing opening and closing eyelids. Her eyes can move from side to side, following a light source. She may even reach out to touch the light.
    • Early lanugo is beginning to disappear that served to protect your baby's skin from the water in the womb. Your little one's own hair may begin to appear.
    • Toenails are entering their final growth stage.
    • Bone marrow is now in charge of red blood cell production. These red blood cells will continue to service your child's body by transporting oxygen and removing the wastes (carbon monoxide and other gases).
    • Your baby has the capability now to produce tears -- yes, within the womb.
    • By the end of this week, your baby is now 15.7 inches (39.9cm) long and weighs 2.91 pounds (1319gm).

    Oct 5, 2007

    hello third trimester.

    latest wee stats:

    *heartrate- 150 bpm
    *activity status - ritalin level. this kid is bouncing off my walls.

    latest me stats:
    *blood pressure -112/60 mmHg
    *poundage-to-date - 19 pounds! what? i have gained 6 pounds since my last visit one month ago...my sweet tooth is making up for lost time.
    *activity status - a mix of zombie like behavior and short bursts of delerium induced activity.
    **let's just say that if you wake up in the night and you need someone to talk to....i'm up.

    at our visit today, herschel was full of questions, the best one dealing with pregnancy and toxoplasmosis and how far i needed to stay from the litterbox... i need to remember to show him that diploma i received a few months ago... he must not have seen it yet. he must now address me as dr. chambers for the next week.

    he also tried to get me to hijack the ultrasound machine in the exam room, knocked my shoes off of my feet, told me i would be getting a flu shot at my next visit, and suggested that the ovaries on the counter-top model of the female anatomy was an ear.....and he's all mine.

    Week Twenty-Eight
    • Eyebrows and eyelashes are now very noticeable!
    • Hair on baby's head is growing longer. Some babies are born with almost none at all, while others appear to be ready for their first haircut!
    • Eyes are completely formed now.
    • Your baby's body is getting plump and rounded. Most of that increase is muscle tissue and bone. Fat will be added during the third trimester.
    • Muscle tone is improving. Preparation for the Olympics feels like it is taking place in your womb! yes. shotput.
    • Lungs are capable of breathing now (but baby would still struggle and require medical attention if born now)
    • He or she can recognize your voice now and will often calm to it later on!
    • Your baby weighs in now at 2.2 pounds (1005gm) and is 14.8 inches (37.6cm).

    Sep 27, 2007


    Week Twenty-Seven
    • Your little one's brain continues its rapid growth.
    • Response to sound grows more consistent toward the end of the seventh month, when the network of nerves to the ear is complete. Your baby's hearing continues to develop, he or she may start to recognize your voice as well as your partner's.
    • Lungs continue to grow and prepare for functioning outside of the womb. Each day in the womb greatly increases survival rates!
    • He also continues to take small breaths and although he's only breathing in water and not air, it's still good practice for when he's born.
    • Eyelids are now open more. Your baby can distinguish between light and dark.
    • Retinas have formed.
    • Average size is now 14.4 inches (36.6cm) and 1.9 pound (875gm).

    grow wee baby grow!

    but don't even think about......

    Sep 25, 2007

    now that's a fine noggin.

    we snuck into school with our #1 accomplice lauren and got a good peek at wee with the reject ultrasound machine. we could only take a picture of the screen with our camera so image quality is less than stellar but there's no mistaking that wee has a fine skull.

    what we saw:
    *one fabulous wee baby head
    *mouth movements

    all in all that is one cramped baby and i'm sure it is looking forward to a good stretch.

    ...look at this.every kid needs a giraffe chalkboard ......i love it.

    what should we name it?

    Sep 22, 2007

    the flat spot.

    Week Twenty-Five
    • The structures of the spine begin to form -- joints, ligaments and rings. These will protect the all important spinal cord which serves as the information transmitter for your child's body.
    • Blood vessels of the lungs develop.
    • Your baby's nostrils begin to open. There is a study out of Belfast that suggests babies at this stage have the capability of scent preferences!
    • The nerves around the mouth and lip area are showing more sensitivity now. When baby is rooting for food later on, these will be valuable!
    • His swallowing reflexes are developing.
    • Dexterity is improving. Your baby can make a fist and would clasp objects placed in palm.
    • Your child has now obtained an approximate length of 13.6 inches (34.6cm) and weighs 1.46 pound (660gm).

    Week Twenty-Six
    • Your baby may weigh about two pounds now (average is 1.7 pound, 760gm) and is 14 inches (35.6cm) in length
    • To support the fetus's growing body, the spine is getting stronger and more supple. Though no longer than the span of the average adult hand, it is now made up of 150 joints, 33 rings, and some 1,000 ligaments.
    • Air sacs in the lungs form now.
    • Lungs begin to secrete a greasy substance called surfactant. Without surfactant the fetal lungs would stick together and couldn't expand after the baby is born.
    • Although they've been sealed shut for the last few months, your baby's eyes are opening and beginning to blink this week. Depending on ethnicity, some babies will be born with blue or gray-blue eyes (which may change color in the first 6 months of life) and some will be born with brown or dark eyes.
    • Retinas begin to form.
    • Brain wave activity for hearing and sight begins to be detectable.
    • Fetal brain scans show response to touch. If you shine a light on your abdomen, your baby will turn his head, which according to researchers, means his optic nerve is working.
    • The nerve pathways in her ears are developing, which means her response to sounds is growing more consistent.

    wee has definitely been on the move lately and the other night would not be still. i don't know what was going on in there. it is a weird feeling to lay there and feel something moving around in your belly which led me to think of 'alien' and i thought it must have been written by a woman but no, i googled it and it is not (my english teacher would have a field day with that last sentence). anyway, a weird feeling but i loved it.

    the belly:
    *first, let me say that i am looking the part. my belly is getting big and while it changes in appearance depending on how wee is at that moment, one thing that does not change is the flat spot. most pregnant women have that cute round belly with the outie belly button. i have a flat spot. sigh.
    i have always wanted an outie ever since i saw my first one in elementary school and this pregnancy was my big chance. but no, i have the grand canyon for a belly button and i don't think the pregnancy belly button pop is in the cards for me. cute round belly? no. exaggerated beer gut? yes.
    i blame my parents because i must blame someone.

    i am still happy because there's a wee baby in there.

    random stuff:

    *this week i have averaged about three hours of sleep a night. it's great fun

    *tonight i dreamed that i had a puppy instead of wee baby. it was a girl....papillon. i went to swaddle it and it turned into monkey (our cute kitten that turned into a tank with attitude) who does not liked to be touched anywhere other than her head so she kept biting me. once swaddled (i am persistent) it turned back into the puppy. i was excited about the new baby until i realized it was, in fact, a puppy. at this point i was just kind of like "oh man, i really wanted a regular baby". then i woke up.

    *i have been tested for gestational diabetes. i am still waiting on test results but this is conveniently coinciding with the return of my sweet tooth. uh oh.

    *did anybody notice that are less than 100 days left? i did.

    Sep 8, 2007

    sleepy time.

    wee's got new digs... here's some pictures

    and that mobile is shazam! so far i've resisted the urge to curl up in this fine crib but i don't know how strong my will really is. i should be monitored.

    what! monkey face rug? oh yes. it was necessary.

    i got this nifty thing from my mama. it is a big 'c' and it is super comfortable. i still get woken up by this and THIS! but things are looking up in the pillow department. thanks mom!

    latest doc visit stats:
    wee heartrate: 153 bpm
    april poundage:13 lbs since it all began

    Week Twenty-Four
    • Bring on the bulk! Baby gains about 6 ounces this week. The weight is in muscle, bone mass and organs.
    • His body begins to fill out with his appearance increasingly becoming more like a newborn.
    • Taste buds begin to form. If mom drinks something strange or bitter, baby may be observed showing his distaste.
    • Little creases have appeared on his palms. The muscular coordination of his hands has improved as he sucks his thumb.
    • Over the next seven days the sweat glands will be forming in the skin.
    • His lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" and cells that produce surfactant, a substance that helps the air sacs inflate easily.
    • This week your baby is officially considered viable.
    • Baby weighs 1.3 pound (600gm) and is 11.8 inches (30cm) long -- almost the length of a ruler!
    check out that lanugo. wee baby probably has a bit of excessive lanugo going on if herschel is any indication. that combined with the heartburn i've been experiencing...not just a wives tale?

    Aug 31, 2007

    23 weeks

    wee's bed arrived and departed from ellenwood georgia yesterday. there is not much to do in ellenwood georgia... i googled it. that is what i do between the hours of 2 & 6 a.m when wee decides i should be up. i would like to go back to sleep. wee is a sneaky baby.

    anyway. that means the bed should be here soon and i (herschel) will have fun putting it together!

    Twenty-three weeks
    • Proportions of the body are now quite similar to a newborn although thinner since he hasn't begun to form body fat.
    • Bones located in the middle ear harden.
    • Your baby is able to hear. (Dads, did you know: low-frequency sounds mimicking a male voice penetrate the abdomen and uterine wall better than the higher frequencies of the female voice?)
    • The eyes are formed, though the iris still lacks pigmentation.
    • The pancreas, essential in the production of hormones, is developing steadily. She has begun producing insulin, important for the breakdown of sugars.
    • If born now, your baby has a 15% chance of survival, his odds going up with each passing day. . woohoo!
    • The average baby at this stage weighs 1.1 pound (501gm) and is 11.38 inches (28.9cm) long.

    Aug 28, 2007

    wee bed.

    we ordered wee's bed! it has left sacramento and is hopefully heading eastward...
    i am excited. i am tracking it.

    Aug 23, 2007

    almost a pound.

    Week Twenty-Two(that's five and a half months friends.)
    • Your baby weighs close to a pound at this point!
    • When you talk, read, or sing, expect her to hear you. Studies have found that newborns will suck more vigorously when read to from a book they heard frequently in utero. (don't call my baby a thumbsucker)
    • The eyes are developed, though the iris (the colored part of the eye) still lacks pigment.
    • Eyelids and eyebrows are fully formed.
    • Fingernails have grown to the end of the fingers.
    • Be prepared for all those "Why" questions coming! Your baby's brain has entered a stage of rapid growth, especially in what's called the germinal matrix. This structure deep in the middle of the brain serves as a kind of factory for brain cells and disappears shortly before birth. But the brain's amazing expansion program continues until around the five birth day.
    • With some help from mom, baby's liver is starting to break down bilirubin, a substance produced by red blood cells.
    • If your baby is male his testes begin their descent t o the scrotum.
    • Primitive sperm have formed and he is producing testosterone.
    • Length is 10.94 inches (27.8cm); weight is nearly 1 pound (430gm)

    here are some of the latest wee treasures:

    from bubbie and zadie chambers.....talking puppies, books, music that herschel and i will have to get used to and..... a wee swing! good for fat pants days/weekends

    from berry and marc:
    for after-swimming, after-bath, after-championship prize fighting matches...

    from team leggett: a spiderman bib b/c you know the wee must love spidey.(my weasely chicken-pox creature is now the official model for wee baby things.)

    from lauren: our first diapers! plus the best rattle clacker in the south and other baby necessi-tays.

    from a friend-of-a-friend:
    leftovers from their umpteen million baby showers. thanks!

    because sometimes we can't resist buying things...
    mouser footie pajamas...
    my favorite.

    and herschel's favorite... the lion.
    and, the smallest shirt known to mankind.... i had to buy because they are unnaturally small. here is a dvd for comparison (or dee vah dee as jansen would say)

    and then i just had to put it on the weasel but i swear i don't sit at home dressing him up.

    thanks everybody!