***a chronicle of the daily happenings and goings on***

Jul 7, 2007

107 days

there wasn't an ultrasound at this week's doc visit and there was no amount of begging that was going to get us one despite poor herschel not having been able to see wee yet. so, we snuck into the radiology ultrasound room (with the help of lauren) and checked wee out on our own. i can't feel it yet but that wee can kick! things we saw: toes, hands, shins, spine, head, heart (pumping away) and a few hiccups (?) i am a happy girl.

heart rate: 145 bpm

weight gain since visit #1: 4 pounds -- but it feels like more

what's going on with the wee in general.....

Week Fifteen
  • You may begin to feel some fluttering movements as baby kicks, flails, twists and turns
  • Your baby's legs have grown longer than the arms and the body is now longer than the head.
  • The skin is very thin -- so thin blood vessels are visible. It's covered by a fine, soft layer of hair called lanugo.
  • The three tiny bones in his middle ear have begun to harden. The auditory centers in your baby's brain haven't developed yet, so she might not really understand what you say but her hearing capacity is in the process of developing (selective hearing develops later i think)
  • Fingernails and toenails are growing.
  • Eyebrows are beginning to grow
  • 3.98 inches (10.1cm) long and may weigh 2.47 ounces (70gm).
also weighing in at 2.47 ounces.....paprika.
it only costs $4.50. wee will cost more than that.

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