***a chronicle of the daily happenings and goings on***

Dec 20, 2007

paper gowns are stupid.

okay. this is the last belly pic you get because, to be honest, i'm sick of looking at it and i think you should be as well. i was at target today where a lady -we'll call her demon seed - told me i sure was big; was i having twins? i went immediately home and comforted myself with a wonka bar. i do not think i will leave the house again as it is dangerous out there.

39 weeks for the love of god.

wee stats:
*heartrate: 140 bpm

me stats:
*poundage: negative 1 pound thank you very much -- not that demon seed would notice.
*rising blood pressure
*intermittent fat fingers
*grumpy disposition
*have an area/shelf at the top of my stomach where i can store small objects, monies and wonka bars

Week Thirty-Nine
  • The lanugo has mostly disappeared, (probably not- you've seen herschel right?) but you'll probably find a bit on her shoulders, arms and legs and in those protected little bodily creases. It will vanish completely on its own in time.
  • His lungs are maturing and surfactant production is increasing and fully prepared to take on the outside world!
  • Your baby doesn't have much room to move (that means it's time to move on weebaby)
  • His body continues laying on the fat stores that will help regulate his body temperature after birth. In addition to normal fat, he is accumulating a special "brown" fat in the nape of his neck, between his shoulders and around organs. Brown fat cells are important for thermogenesis (generating heat) during his first weeks.
  • Your infant's weight is around 7.25 pounds (3288gm) and length is 19.9 inches (50.7cm).

Dec 18, 2007

eviction notice.

anytime weebaby.... anytime.

Dec 13, 2007

38 weeks. 38 pounds. isn't that nice.

wee stats:
*heartrate: 153bpm
*on the move constantly

me stats:
*poundage: + another 1.5 (38 total. sigh. pity party starts in five minutes) that is like carrying around a 38-pound Guadalupe yellowtail shown here by some proud sport fisherman. * we will need a wide angle lens for the next belly pic

*cursed with a wonderful uterine environment. weebaby is sure to to never want to leave.

*the following may be too much information for some but i am a whopping 1 cm dilated. in case you were wondering, that is not enough.

Week Thirty-Eight
  • If he is the "average baby," he weights 6.8 pounds (3083gm)and is 19.6 inches (49.8cm) long.
  • Have you noticed she hiccups a lot? Because there is no air around her, those breathing exercises cause amniotic fluid to get into her windpipe.
  • Your child's intestines are accumulating lots of meconium. Meconium takes on the role of being your baby's first bowel movement -- removing the waste that has accumulated.
  • He may have a full head of hair now
  • Circumference of head and abdomen are about the same size for your baby.

Dec 9, 2007

running out of weeks here.

wee stats:
*very relaxed - we could see breathing movements on the ultrasound which, according to the doc, equals one extremely non-stressed baby
*the official estimated fetal weight as of 12/5 is 6 lbs 12 oz... while i am happy that wee is not a gigantic russian baby, i can no longer blame all of my weight gain on a mere almost 7 pound baby. sigh.
*head down
*cramped and, i think, getting tired of being so if my sore ribs are any indication

me stats:
*pretty much a textbook gestator so far according to the doc thus confirming my suspicion that i am mostly perfect or at least way above average in most things. i have just jinxed myself and will now probably have 36+ hours of excruciating labor
*rising blood pressure
*no weight gain (for once) but it's only been a week. i'm sure i'll have gained 14 pounds by my next appointment which is in 4 days.
*generalized edema
*ready to be normal again...mentally (but not physically) done with pregnancy

when do you think wee will get here?
the official due date is 12/27 but there's already a few predictions in....the winner will get a prize of some sort - not really sure what that will be but it is sure to be super fine and is also sure not to be a piece of the placenta as requested by lauren (this request was immediately struck down by yours truly although i understand wanting a piece of a placenta as fabulous as mine and wee's)

Week Thirty-Seven
  • This week, the average size is about 6.3 pounds (2859gm) now and 19.1 inches (48.6cm) length.
  • She is official full term now but can still benefit from extra days in the womb.
  • Your baby continues to practice breathing movements. Isn't it amazing how she can breathe "under water?"
  • Grasp is firm now. It won't be long until you'll feel that strong little fist confidently grasping your finger (or tightly clenching your hair)!
  • A few weeks ago, your baby would move her eyes toward light. Now she turns towards light outside the uterus.
  • " As the uterine wall stretches and thins allowing more light to permeate, he develops definite daily activity cycles. You will want to be sure to establish good patterns yourself at this time, thus encouraging them in your child.

Dec 1, 2007

doc update:

wee stats:
heartrate: 153 bpm
activity status: soccer goalie

me stats:
poundage: +7 pounds (yes. in two weeks. i have posted a new pic of me above)
activity status: all time low, hence the seven pounds

next week: ultrasound for the estimated fetal weight or the day that i find out i'm having an eighteen pound baby.