***a chronicle of the daily happenings and goings on***

Oct 25, 2007

thirty one.

latest wee stats:
*heartrate - 165 bpm

me stats:
*poundage: +6 pounds from last visit (in case you didn't catch it, that was only two weeks ago. yikes) that puts my total at 25 pounds. i am very uncomfortable.

*sleep: a somewhat decent night's sleep with my friend tylenol p.m

*crazy meter: off the charts. i am the proverbial emotional roller coaster over here. one minute i am laughing hysterically. a maniacal giggle monkey. then i am exhausted. i have cried twice for no reason and we won't talk about my grump level. herschel deserves a gold star for his efforts although at our last doctor visit i looked up to catch him side-looking at me with a mixture of fear, curiosity, and caution. hilarious.

Week Thirty-One
  • The rate of physical growth slows down just a bit, but even though she doesn't get much longer, she will gain a lot of weight the rest of the pregnancy.
  • Fat continues accumulating. This layer of fat turns her skin from red to the rosy pink she will have as a newborn.
  • Calcium, phosphorus and iron are being stored and his bones are growing and hardening.
  • Your baby is 16.2 inches (41.1cm) long and weighs 3.3 pounds (1502gm)
  • His brain enters another period of rapid growth, producing hundreds of billions of new nerve cells!
  • She may move to the rhythm of music.
  • Lungs are the only major organ left to complete development. Remember, that while you may be anxious to meet your little one that these last few weeks can be vital - with each day increasing your baby's ability to breathe on her own.

Oct 15, 2007

don't cry weebaby.

okay. i didn't want to but i've promised berry too many times and never came through so here's some belly pics from 4 months to now.

now entering from stage left: hippo-mama.....

4.5 months

5.5 months

7 months

Week Twenty-Nine
  • Your baby's head is in proportion with body now. He appears more like a newborn each and every day!
  • Fat continues to accumulate under the skin -- only now preparing for entering the *real world*.
  • Your baby's brain can control primitive breathing and body temperatures.
  • His eyes can move in their sockets. Soon he will be able to follow a blinking light.
  • Your baby is increasingly sensitive to changes in light, sound, taste, and smell! Various studies show that your baby may indicate preferences (or disdain) for particular tastes or odors at this stage
  • He is also moving from side to side, but probably still is head up. In the next few weeks, he will move to the head down birthing position.
  • Her length is now approximately 15.2 inches (38.6cm) and weight is 2.54 pounds (1153gm)

Week Thirty
  • Did you know your baby is nearly three pounds now?
  • His head is getting larger to accommodate a period of rapid brain growth. our wee is a smarty pants.
  • A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds him. As he grows and fills your uterus, the amount of amniotic fluid will decrease. Funny, you certainly won't feel any lighter!
  • She spends more and more time practicing opening and closing eyelids. Her eyes can move from side to side, following a light source. She may even reach out to touch the light.
  • Early lanugo is beginning to disappear that served to protect your baby's skin from the water in the womb. Your little one's own hair may begin to appear.
  • Toenails are entering their final growth stage.
  • Bone marrow is now in charge of red blood cell production. These red blood cells will continue to service your child's body by transporting oxygen and removing the wastes (carbon monoxide and other gases).
  • Your baby has the capability now to produce tears -- yes, within the womb.
  • By the end of this week, your baby is now 15.7 inches (39.9cm) long and weighs 2.91 pounds (1319gm).

Oct 5, 2007

hello third trimester.

latest wee stats:

*heartrate- 150 bpm
*activity status - ritalin level. this kid is bouncing off my walls.

latest me stats:
*blood pressure -112/60 mmHg
*poundage-to-date - 19 pounds! what? i have gained 6 pounds since my last visit one month ago...my sweet tooth is making up for lost time.
*activity status - a mix of zombie like behavior and short bursts of delerium induced activity.
**let's just say that if you wake up in the night and you need someone to talk to....i'm up.

at our visit today, herschel was full of questions, the best one dealing with pregnancy and toxoplasmosis and how far i needed to stay from the litterbox... i need to remember to show him that diploma i received a few months ago... he must not have seen it yet. he must now address me as dr. chambers for the next week.

he also tried to get me to hijack the ultrasound machine in the exam room, knocked my shoes off of my feet, told me i would be getting a flu shot at my next visit, and suggested that the ovaries on the counter-top model of the female anatomy was an ear.....and he's all mine.

Week Twenty-Eight
  • Eyebrows and eyelashes are now very noticeable!
  • Hair on baby's head is growing longer. Some babies are born with almost none at all, while others appear to be ready for their first haircut!
  • Eyes are completely formed now.
  • Your baby's body is getting plump and rounded. Most of that increase is muscle tissue and bone. Fat will be added during the third trimester.
  • Muscle tone is improving. Preparation for the Olympics feels like it is taking place in your womb! yes. shotput.
  • Lungs are capable of breathing now (but baby would still struggle and require medical attention if born now)
  • He or she can recognize your voice now and will often calm to it later on!
  • Your baby weighs in now at 2.2 pounds (1005gm) and is 14.8 inches (37.6cm).